
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tickled Pink for Sandra

Last weekend was our cousin Sandra's baby shower. Her little girl Alice is due any day now and she is so ready! As you can tell the theme was PINK, PINK, PINK with hints of gray and white.
I'd like to say we all helped but Mo really did most of it. We came over to help drink the day before. Once we saw the bottle of Pink Champagne, that was it! We needed more! To know us is to know that we can find just about any reason or occasion to drink Pink champagne!

But, after some shopping and catching up, we did get SOME decorating done. This shower was completely girl- pink and frilly!
We had to have a beverage bar of course! Pics don't do it justice. We had it all. Mimosas, pink lemonade, iced tea, gray silver rimmed wine glasses, striped paper straws.

We had a lovely brunch with bite sized goodies in all shades of Pink!!  Cream Puffs, Orange Cranberry Scones, French Toast bites in Raspberry Syrup, individual egg soufflés, powdered donuts and fruit cups.

And of course at a baby shower you have to have dessert!
Mo gets full credit for this.  She is amazing at desserts, especially cakes.  The cake for the shower had beautiful rosettes on it.  The really special part of the cake was the inside, it was ombre with shades of pink and was absolutely gorgeous!  BUT, it seems everyone was too caught up with the taste of it rather than taking pictures!  Oops.

Maureen made all these cute little frames for all the food items and they went perfectly with all the decor.

 The beautiful Mother-to-be Sandra and Momma Rita.  (Don't worry, its just Orange juice!)

We all had such a good time getting to gether and getting ready for it.  But the actual shower was just as much fun.  Everything looked beautiful and we can't wait to meet baby Alice.

Mom and I after too many mimosas!! 


  1. love the twisted crepe paper background - what a soft little touch! your newest linky follower! would love to have ya come by & visit anytime! New linky party opening up later today! xo


  2. This is looking outstanding. I totally loved taking a look at these amazing details. At one of the rental spaces for parties, I also threw a creative black and white mustache themed baby shower for my cousin who is expecting twin sons. It will be great if you could help me plan a good shower on a budget.


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